The Impossible Future is an animated series about the problems and solutions that will define our future.
A crisis of imagination
While our sci-fi series and movies entertain us with apocalyptic tales, many of the clichés of science fiction—desertified worlds, flooded landscapes, societies controlled by tech corporations and artificial intelligences—also appear in our news and social media.
In this dystopian context, it seems we are forced to choose between economic collapse or ecological collapse, as if there were no way to create jobs and redistribute wealth without destroying the planet.
Fortunately, there are thousands of movements working to build another possible future. Local, circular, and common-good economies, regenerative design, biomaterials, permaculture, open-source and free codes, participatory democracy—these are just some of the many ideas and tools we have to design alternatives.
This is the story of some of the inspiring people and movements who work every day to build a regenerative future: feeding a hungry world, employing millions, redistributing wealth, and healing ecosystems along the way.
A film by
With the support of
But none of this would have been possible without the support of many people and organizations who selflessly collaborated.